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Stress at work has touched almost all professions. Born out of high competition and its subsequent
complexities, stress is a state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy which can disturb
the normal physiological and psychological functioning of an individual. Although stress in moderate
doses is necessary as it gives an impetus to increase one’s performance and can actually stimulate one’s
faculties to delve deep into and discover one’s true potential, but if the magnitude of the stressor exceeds
individual’s capacity to cope, it leads to negative moods and emotions and excessive demands made upon
the energy, strength and resources of a person leads to distress or burnout. Occupational stress (also
termed job stress or work stress) can be defined as the experience of unpleasant, negative emotions such
as tension, anxiety, frustration, anger and depression resulting from aspects of work. Work related stress
of the employees consequently affects the efficiency of the organizations because when one is under stress
one’s ability to carry out job responsibilities gets affected. It also has an indirect negative effect on
organizational commitment. Unresolved occupational stress results in low job satisfaction, poor work
performance, psychological distress, unfocused attention, lack of motivation and intent to quit.