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Study of Neural Networksin Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Shinde Bhausaheb Shivajirao , Mrs. WamaneSari

Al is intelligence displayed by machines in contrast with the natural intelligence displayed by the humans
and another animals. If we consider the history of AI the early model of an artificial neuron In 1943
Warren S. McCulloch, a neuroscientist,and Walter Pitts, a logician, published "A logicalcalculus of the
ideas immanent in nervousactivity" in the Bulletin of MathematicalBiophysics 5:115-133. In this paper
McCullochand Pitts tried to understand how the brain couldproduce highly complex patterns by using
manybasic cells that are connected together. Thesebasic brain cells are called neurons, andMcCulloch and
Pitts gave a highly simplifiedmodel of a neuron in their paper.