The social strata which is known as the backward class represents the down trodden classes of the
society. BC has its origin in the ancient Indian social system. The ancient Indian social systems divides
the society into four broad classes namely the Brahmin, the Kshatriya (warrior class) the Vaishya and the
Shudra (serving class) in addition to this fifth class known as Atishudras, who were untouchable existed
in ancient India. This system is described a divine origin (vide Rigveda X.90,12 also Geeta.4) This system
though it says that the classification is according the inherent aptitudes and activities adopted (Guna and
Karma) but in practice the classification of the caste based upon birth thus in Indian society where the
unwritten law still prevails the occupation of person is decided not by his skill and ability but by his birth
the fourth class known as the servant class carried on occupations like black smith, gold smith, leather
workers, merchant, physician, barber etc. Before the word ‘backward classes’ used for the down trodden
classes who were generally coming from the Shudra class of ancient India was referred to as ‘depressed
class’. The word was used as early as in 1916 in home department letter No.3512, dated 12/03/1916,
which the Government of India asked all the local Government to adopt a three fold classification of the
depressed classes.