Training is considered to be the cornerstone in present demanding environment. Irrespective of the nature
of industry it is the knowledge, skill and attitude of employees which brings a positive change in the
working of organization as well as employees.
Since training is no longer a reactive function, planning and implementing it in its true sense becomes
Training which aims at leading to transfer of learning and thereby promoting development o employees
depends on how minutely and effectively it is been designed. It includes following parameters or factors –
1. Training needs assessment at individual, organizational and task level.
2. Appropriate identification of training objectives
3. Identification of trainees - On the basis of age, experience, expectation, interest and learning capacity
4. Selecting the right trainer -Taking on his experience, expertise, core areas, suitability and expected
rapport with audience to give a new direction to trainees.
5. Selection of support tools- Training aids, methods and techniques, venue, study material, special
equipments or labs, infrastructure, sitting arrangement, refreshments etc.
6. Preparing training budget –Including directed indirect expenses right from trainers fee to expenses
including making of kit, study material , printing cost, refreshments, lunch, interiors, special equipments,.
Along with considering the needs which involve indirect cost including employees absence from routine
work during training also becomes a challenges to estimate but does matters to be included in estimating
training budget
7. Doing SWOT analysis of training program after training and improving upon if any further remodeling
is needed.