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Research Background: This research paper examined the eight Human Resources (HR) practices of design of work, HR planning, polarization, selection, training and development, motivation, performance evaluation, and job satisfaction of non-profit organizations (NPOs) in Saudi Arabia. NPOs are seen as a key part in Saudi Arabia’s economic plan to transform its economy from oil reliance to knowledge based. Purpose of the article: This article shows how the HR practices are needed in non-profit organizations in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, how the HR practices within non-profit organizations contribute to Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision of full employment for its citizens by economic transformation. Insight into employee performance within the eight HR practices were examined as well. Methods: A questionnaire was developed and administered to 201 employees from the Qur’an Memorization Society, Dawah Society, Specialized Society and Development Committee—all NPOs in Saudi Arabia. The results showed HR practices moderated by sex, age, education, and years of experience. An ANOVA and Pearson Correlation was conduct on the eight segments of HR instrument to show how HR professionals in the NPO sector viewed the practices. Findings and value added: The findings further showed design of work with the highest awareness among the employees with a means of 4.05, but was significant with age (F = 3.981, p=.009) solely. The lowest awareness was job satisfaction with a means of 3.18, but also highly significant with age (F = 2.899, p=.036). A correlation between the HR practices and the overall questionnaire supports the prior literature that advocates design of work improves performance evaluation, polarization impacts HR planning, and training and development impacts performance evaluation.